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Exploring Maa Nanda Devi Temple: A Spiritual Haven in Uttarakhand

 Exploring Maa Nanda Devi Temple: A Spiritual Haven in Uttarakhand 1. Where is Maa Nanda Devi Temple located? - Maa Nanda Devi Temple is situated in which village of Uttarakhand? - Maa Nanda Devi Temple is located in the village of Nauti, Chamoli Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India.   - The temple's address is Nanda Devi Temple, Nauti, Uttarakhand 246487. 2. What are the open and close timings of Maa Nanda Devi Temple? - During which hours of the day is the temple accessible to devotees? - What time does the temple open and close daily? - Maa Nanda Devi Temple is open for devotees from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm daily, allowing ample time for worship and prayers. 3. How can one reach Maa Nanda Devi Temple? - Which is the nearest railway station to Maa Nanda Devi Temple? - What is the distance between Rishikesh Railway Station and the temple? - Which airport is closest to Maa Nanda Devi Temple? - What is the distance between Dehradun Airport - Jolly Grant and the temple? - The nearest railway stati

Cheers to failure!

Recently one of my friends named Jasmeet got depressed. And the reason for her depression was her own family. Especially her mother, who always wants Jasmeet to get good marks, good job, which means everything must be like best, But practically it is not possible to get everything the best. In this life, we have to face failures too. But her mother always pokes her which in a result becomes the reason for her depression.  

So after her counseling sessions now she is quite well and tries to ignore her mother's words. But still, the behavior of her mother is the same as before. 

 Like Jasmeet there was a man who got the same teachings from his parents, which means you have to do the best, no matter whatever the circumstances are. Since childhood, he heard to do best anyhow. He studied well in school and did his best in academics then after passing grade 12, got selected in IIT Delhi. Then when he had completed his Degree he placed in a well-known company in California. He got married and had two children. They were living happily there. But suddenly an economic crisis came and unfortunately the company where he works shut down. He had no other option except returned back his home. So as he returned to India, again his family members and relatives started poking in the way like he committed the biggest mistake as he returned his home back. That man broke from inside after seeing that the people who are his own family thinking in this way about him, he had committed suicide with her wife and the two children. 

 How embarrassing this for the parents as they became the reason for the death of their own son. At least they could understand their own son; at least they could understand that failure is a part of life. Nobody in this world gets only success, they suffer from failure too in the one or the other way. Why parents don't understand children? It's a huge question mark for all those parents who just want to be the kind of dictator and takes every decision of their life. They should understand the feeling of their children, as they are their children but also an individual who has the right to take each decision related to his life. 

 If we say about this story there are so many people like this man who commits suicide just because of their own family, the criticism that their society does is like a hell for them. 

 Why failure is not acceptable by society?

Why people only cheer for success?

 It all starts from the time we born. Everybody around us starts judging how the newborn baby is...Then after a few months or years, people judge how active the child is physically and mentally both. Then when the child will be admitted to the school, his/her assessment will be done through marks, now till the completion of the education marks are everything for the parents and the society. They judge their children on the basis of the marks and rank they get among their classmates and peers. Now it’s time to be settled with a highly paid job and marry the person of their choice. Here you cannot follow your passion as your own family never supports you, never understand your mindset & feelings. We all are aware of these things, even many parents are already suffered from these problems too, still, they don't understand that their children are facing a lot. Let them live their life in the way they want as Life is a one-time journey.

 Failure is a part of life. Support your loved ones in their hard times, especially your children, because they are on the same journey once you have already been through. Help them to find their motive and purpose in life. Everybody is unique; never compare your child with the others. It destroys their confidence, and the feeling of inferiority replaces confidence... 

Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I've met people who don't want to try for fear of failing.” 

-J.K. Rowling

Image Courtesy - Ankita Singh












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